Monday, 30 May 2011

Is animals having mole like human?

A mole is nothing but, melanin pigments deposited on the inner layer of skin (dermis), also called as nevus. It is congenital. Sometimes hairs grown on them. The mole may appear suddenly or existing one change it's color and size. These changes may be an indication of cancer. Melanin pigments are found in all animals, especially in mammals. Because of hairs, moles are not seen distinctly.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Why doctors instructed to take some medicines after food and some before food?

Medicines absorbed into our body system by interfering with food. So the amount of drug that enters the blood and reach the site of action is altered. Based on this mode of action doctors prescribe them to take before or after.Some drugs may be known as not to cause any side reaction when taken in empty stomach and can be fully absorbed by blood stream. This kind of drugs to be taken before food. Some medicines should be taken along with warm plain water, to avoid any reaction between components in milk, curd or tea. But, most of the drugs are advised to take after food. Because it may irritate the stomach by increasing the acid secretion leads to discomfort or pain, chest burning, nausea and vomiting. To avoid these, drugs should be taken after food.

Friday, 27 May 2011

How apple turns to brown on being cut?

The enzyme polyphenol oxidase makes this change. On being cut only, the enzyme is activated by contact with air. The enzyme reacts with carbohydratee in the fruit and form brown color on the cut surface. If cut apple is immersed in an ascorbic acid, this color change will not happen. Because the ascorbic acid inhibits the activity of enzyme.
Another one reason: Iron is present in apple in the form of ferrous ions. When cut apple is exposed to air ferrous ion is oxidised to ferric ion which is brown in color.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

About Wisdom Teeth...

Third molars or Wisdom teeth usually do not appear until after the age of 17 because until then there is not enough room in the Jaw to allow their growth. Sometimes, even in adulthood, there is not enough room for third molars, whih is why many people have them removed. Indeed, only a minoriy of the population have properly developed third molars in good alignment.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

How can we decrease the melting point of ice?

The way is by adding salt. A substance dissolved in a liquid lowers the freezing point or melting point of that liquid. When salt is added to ice at room temperature, some of the ice melts and cools the salt to zero degrees Celsius. The salt solution thus produced cannot remain in equilibrium with ice at zero degrees. It is possible only when the ice at the freezing point of the solutions melts taking the necessary latent heat o fusion from the salt solution, whose temperature is consequently lowered. More salt thus dissolves, keeping the solution saturated and the process continues till the temperature of the solution is reduced to -21 degree Celsius. Only at this point, ice is in equilibrium with saturated salt solution. When 23 per cent of salt is added to ice, the freezing point is lowered to -21 degree Celsius.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Boiled Water lose taste. Why?

Natural water contains a few substances (gases, oxygen and Carbon-dioxide, Sulphates, iron, Carbonates of Calcium and Magnesium) dissolved in it. This constituents make not only taste but also hardness to the water. When boiling the water, the dissolved gases are released and hardness is removed. Some insoluble substances such as carbonates and hydroxides are formed which get deposited on the surfaces and the bottom of the vessel as scales. This separation from water deprives its taste.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Why Vehicle tyres are not filled with water?


When vehicle moves on uneven roads, the tyres filled with air absorb the shocks and make the ride comfortable. Fundamental property of air is compressibility and it enables he shock absorbing capacity. Air gets easily compressed to smaller volumes on application of pressure. Against this, water is not compressible. Hence, the shock generated on the tyres will be passed on to the vehicle leads to discomfort. In addition, wate filled tyres increase the rolling resistance of vehicles because of its weight. So a part of the engine's power and fuel is wasted to overcome this resistance.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Why Cough syrups are mixed by alcohol?

Cough syrups are composed of menthol and natural extracts, for carminative and antitussive actions. Some Natural extracts are water-insoluble, so alcohol is used as a solvent. Hydroxyl group (R-OH) of alcohol increases miscibility via inter molecular hydrogen bondin with solute particles. This enhances the syrup to be absorbed easily by the body. In addition menthol used as a preservative in pharmaceutical preparations to prevent microbial growth, stabilisers by preventing coagulation of solute particles during storage.

Is there any possibility to get cancer in the heart?

Rarely, cancer occurs in the heart aslo.Two classification are there: 1. benign(non-cancerous) and 2. malignant (cancerous). Malignant tumors are classified as primary tumors and secondary tumors. Primary tumors are arising from an organs and secondary tumors are spread from other organs by irect extension or by tumor particles carried through blood and lymphatic stream and get deposited in new organs.
Cardiac tumors are arise from the wall of heart chambers and from the heart muscle. Analytical studies show that 75% of heart tumors are benign and the remaining 25% are malignant. Benign tumors of the heart are Myxoma (40.8%), Lipoma (14.1%), Fibroelastoma (13.2%), Rhabdomyoma (11.3%), Fibroma (5.3%) and heamangioma (4.7%).  Likewise, Malignant tumors of the heart are Angiosarcoma (31.2%), Rhabdomyosarcoma (20.8 %), Mesothelioma (15.2%), Fibrosarcoma (11.2%) and Lymphoma (5.6%).

Secondary malignant tumors can spread through the blood stream to the heart from the kidneys, uterus, stomach, colon and lungs. Direct extension of the tumours from the lung to the heart can also occur. After complete removal of the benign tumors under open heart surgery, the cure rate is almost 100%, whereas the success rate is limited in malignant tumors depending upon further spread of this tumor to other vital organs.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Common Fever...

When the fever is frequent and spread widely such fever is called common fever. The fever differs in different regions: Malarial fever, fever due to presumed viruses and typhoid are common in tropical regions. Symptoms of fever are bodyache, headache and shivering. Bout of shivering followed by sweats and the fever comes down. This entire cycle repeats itself daily or an alternate days.When the season changes, viral fever is accompanied by cold and couh or by transient rash and may be confused with measles. Headache, bodyache and rigors can accompany the fever. Typhoid is a common fever when summer season comes. It due to unhygienic sanitary conditions, drinking unclean water or eating unclean food.The pathogen, Salmonella typhi is responsible for this fever. The symptoms of typhoid fever are loss of appetite, abdomen in the pain, skin rash, constipation and diarrhoea.

How insects enter into Mangoes?

The Scientific name of mango nut weevil is Sternochetus mangiferae Fabr. When Mango fruit in tender stage the weevil puncture the mango and lay about 12-30 eggs. These punctures turns to black or brown marks on the skin. The gum-like substance is secreted and oozes out of the puncture and cover the eggs. These punctures heal in due course as a result of fruits' rippening.

Sometimes, the black marks can be seen even on ripe fruits. From egg to larvae, in a week, larvae is legless. They tunnel through the developing unripened pulp and enter the tender nut which is soft. The nut hardens when fruit matures. The larvae thrive on the cotyledons of the nut. they pupate there after 21 days and dark brown adult emerge. Their life cycle is 35-50 days. Rarely, the adult weevil comes out. So their attack increases the number of fallen fruits. The weevil uses the oxygen present in the fruit for respiration. Thee beetle generally attacks soft-pulped varieties such as neelam, rumani and padhiri.